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I love the concept, this is brilliantly programmed. I love the intro, and the music, and the art style. The difficulty ramps up way too fast, the room where you alternate between the two potions after getting the black potion is way too hard, I did not get past this level. I understand the need to get a game done and submitted in a time limit, but when this game can be updated, please make it scale in difficulty slower than this. Great work!

Thanks for playing! For what it's worth, that level is the last proper level in the game so you aren't missing much



this was pretty cool


I like this concept! The idea about using bottles with light or void is beautiful and have good potential! And I like the Walter White reference. Good job! :)

Thank you for playing! Walter White was completely incidental but hey, a reference is a reference!


Wow right off the bat the style of this game is dialed up to 11 and that's not even discussing the amazing mechanics!

I was immediately sucked in by the opening sequence. Very old school spy / James Bond style opening sequence that was beautifully animated and match to the audio. An absolute treat that sets the tone of the game perfectly.

The potion/light mechanics of the game are so fun and interesting and I love the process of creating your own safety areas with your potions and the light. Then the introduction of the black potions that took it away to create holes, perfect combination.

The art was great, I loved the negative space styling of the main character and the simple yet effective means of using the light/dark to communicate space and objects.

Although I mentioned it previously the audio is great throughout with no misses in music or SFX.

I got badly stuck on the last level (not counting the random arrow/drop level at the end) where my dark potions kept interfering with my light ones trying to get past the wall near the door. The dark ones would just completely overwrite the light ones even if the light from the light potions should still be seen. This also happened at the start of the level trying to get through the initial wall. I ended up throwing the light potion up and over the wall instead of trying to throw it through the hole I made or throwing it mid-air.

I suspect that was probably your intended solution which is why I had such trouble doing anything else but the final jump of the level was really difficult because of the way they interacted with each other.

Also I wish I could throw more than 1 potion at a time. I'm assuming it's designed that way intentionally but still I wish I could do that.

Overall it was a great experience and full of style and love. My only real complaint is that I want more. Give me more!

Thank you for your glowing review! A lot of people have had similar complaints. While the design choices were intentional, I think re-working the mechanics to address these issues will be a priority for a fuller game

This game is almost like portal but in 2D with a classic noir look. Its difficult, but there is enough information given to not be frustrating difficult.

There were times that I wanted to give up, but something about this wanted me to keep going. Like the Flower level took me maybe 15 to 20 tries but I wasn't angry at the game I was actually angry at myself for not getting the platform timing right.

And it paid off cause the potion mechanics were so fun. The black sulfur one was super satisfying.

I hope to see this fully fledged out with new levels.



Style is really nice, looks like Noir but orange. 

I really like the intro, it set the mood to the game, and having Walter White to give you your potion is insane ahahah. (Also I stopped smelling the flower)

Mechanics are nice and I find that black sulphur potion has a lot of style.

The game is fun and hard.

The only thing I would have done differently is the distance of the platform, you have to be really precise to land now. Anyways GG !

I hadn't even noticed the face is Walter White! Thanks for playing!


Really dig the style of this one, the mix between the art style and the music is pretty good!


Really cool twist on the theme and I'm not sure what it's called, but I love the style you chose. I struggle way too much on parkour challenges so I couldn't get very far personally. I liked the music, the intro, the talking face xD great job!

I really liked the theming of the game. It made me feel like a secret agent playing it. I did have some visual clarity issues with what exactly was a platform though once the phosphorus came into the mix. The light bleeding made lines appear that weren’t really platforms

Thank you for playing!

I absolutely love this. The Style! The Sound! Gameplay is super fun and id love to see a full game from this

What a trip. Love the style of the game, kind of reminds me of the original "Shift" (puzzle platformer).

My main criticism would be the number keys being able to deselect a vial selection. I think I lost far too many time in the last level (not the one with the drop down) because of not able to switch vial at will.

Overall, well done!!!

Thanks for playing. I thought I made it clear that you can use the mouse wheel to select potions too?

Sadly my mouse is those mouse with a free wheel, so I can't do precise scrolling with it.  I should use a better mouse for gaming to be honest.

Love the aesthetic and overall vibe!

I found that you can't throw another bottle while one is currently in the air, so you would have to wait long periods of time before you could throw another out if you happened to throw the bottle down a pit.

I arguably could have made the timeout shorted, true


Love the aesthetics!


Bro we had the exact same idea lmao.

Really fun!


lol I was afraid that would happen! I don't think anyone else has had the same one yet. Let me know when you submit your game, I'll be happy to give it a play

This game looks so sick


Seriously satisfying gameplay. And it looks really cool too. Sequel? :)


More like a full game if anything... what is it with you and sequels?!


Really cool!

Interestimg mechanic, difficult levels, funny narative. I liked it :)